Blue Belt

Blue Belt


“In the struggle between the stone and water, in time, the water wins” – Japanese Proverb

Blue belt is the fifth belt on your road to Black belt, students who have achieved blue belt should grasp the foundations of Tae Kwon Do. Most activities as a blue belt will be similar to green belt centered around;
A development in patterns. Focusing on proper chambering, foot spacing and starting and stoping at the correct points,
Increasing in sparring. Sparring with other students and developing control in your fighting,
Advanced kicking. Students will continuing learning elevated kicks and jumping kick.

At Blue belt the student is required to hold their belt for a minimum of two semesters but often three to practice and master these fundamentals since they will be the key points during the second half of the students road to black belt. On top of what is required, blue belts will also be taught some weapon and grappling defences to acclimate students to different styles. It is also recommend that blue belts familiraze themselves with the basic Korean words in Tae Kwon Do since this will greatly help in upper belt training.
Here is a breakdown of what you can expect from blue belt.

  • Intermediate Level Kicks
  • Advanced Patterns
  • Weapon Defenses
  • Grappling techniques
  • Some basic Korean words
  • Advanced Stretching
  • Releases
  • One-Step Sparring

Testing Requirements:

Time Requirements

Blue belts are required to hold their belts for a minimum of three (3) semesters. This roughly equals one (1) year. A student may be allow to test a semester early if they consistently show up to class and demonstrate proper discipline and practice.

Required Material

  • 3 Kicking Drills
    • #13: Roundhouse, Back-spin Crescent, Roundhouse, Back-spin Crescent
    • #14: (Starts with feet together), Ridgehand, Roundhouse, 180 Back Kick, Back Stance Outward Block.
    • #15: 4 Low/High Roundhouse Kicks
  • 3 Releases (1 Minimum from Blue Belt, 2 from Green/Orange Belt)
  • 3 One Step Sparing Techniques (1 Minimum from Blue Belt, 2 from Green/Orange Belt)
  • Pattern (Taeguek Sa Jang) 
  • Pattern (Taeguek Sam Jang)
  • Brick Breaking (Stomp)

Required Knowledge

  • Releases
    • Cross-Hand Grab with 360′ Takedown
    • 360′ Takedown Counter
    • Double hand grab with Elbow Break
  • Kicking (how to perform the kick and what part of the foot to use)
    • Cresent kick
    • Backspin Cresent (required in kicking drill #13)
  • Stances (proper foot position)
    • Horse stance/ Riding stance
    • Back stance
    • Front stance

Kicking Drills

  • #13: Roundhouse kick (R), Back Spin Crescent Kick (L), Roundhouse kick (L), back spin crescent kick (R)
  • #14: (R) Ridge Hand ( Stepping Forward (L)), (R) Roundhouse Kick, (L) 180 Back Kick, Back Stance (facing opposite direction), Outward block
  • #15: 4 Low/High Roundhouse Kicks

Release Drills:

Cross Hand Grab with 360' Takedown

*Attacker is grabbing your right hand with his right hand.

  1. Step forward with your left foot. As you step grab the attackers right writ with your left hand.
  2. Rotate 360′ to the right, pivoting on your left foot. Bring the attackers arm over your head. As you turn to place your right foot behind them. You should be back to back.
  3. Place your right elbow in to the center of the attacker’s shoulder blades while still holding on to the attacker’s wrist. Pull the attacker’s arm in the direction that you are facing. This will take the attacker down.

360' Takedown Counter

*You are grabbing the attackers right wrist with your right hand.

Note: This is the only release drill that you are attacker.

  1. The opponent will go through the steps above for the Cross Hand Grab with 360′ Takedown.
  2. When your opponent gets to the point where they are stepping behind you with their right foot (during step 2 of Cross Hand Grab with 360′ Takedown), Step back 180′ with your left foot. You will do this by pivoting on your right foot and rotation to the left 180′.
  3. This should place your back to the opponent’s front, and their elbow over your shoulder. Pull down to hyper-extend the arm and break the elbow.

Double Hand Grab with Elbow Break

Attacker is grabbing your both your wrists with both their hands.

  1. With your right hand grab the attackers’ right wrist. With your left hand grab the back of the attacker’s left hand.
  2. Rotate to the right 180′ and place the attackers’ right elbow over your left shoulder and pull down to hyper-extend the arm and break the elbow.

One-Step Sparring

One-Step #7

*Attacker throws a right lung punch.

Note: This is the similar to the yellow belt move Inside-Outside Hook Block Takedown. The difference is this move is Outside-Outside Hook Block.

  1. Step with your right foot at a 45′ angle to the attacker’s outside. Outward Hook Block with your right hand to the outside of the attacker’s wrist.This should put you behind the attacker.
  2. With your left hand Ridge Hand Strike to the front of the attacker’s throat(go around the attacker’s left shoulder to do this. It almost feels like you are putting him in a choke)
  3. . After you strike the throat, your hand should be under the attacker’s chin. Using the back of your left hand, rotate the attacker’s head to the left by pulling your left hand back and down. This can be used as a neck break or throw.

One-Step #8

*Attacker throws a right Rear Leg Side Kick towards your mid-section.

  1. Step 45′ toward the attackers outside with your left foot behind the attacker’s kick. As you step Grab the attacker’s kicking leg with your right arm.
  2. Simultaneously strike the attacker’s back with a left Palm Heel Strike while stepping 270′ to the right with your right foot. This should bring the attacker down face first.

Kukkiwon Pattern 4

Blue Belt Pattern

Taeguek Sa Jang
Taeguek 4

Meaning/ Symbolism:
Jin (Korean for Thunder)

Number of Moves:

Taeguek Sa Jang is the fourth of eight Poomses (patterns) in the World TaeKwonDo Federation forms. Students should be able to demonstrate the basic blocks, stances, and kicks, while adding speed and precision to all blocks and strikes. This pattern features many open hand strikes and blocks, it is important to know the different chambers for each of these and any differences from their closed fisted counterparts. This pattern also uses a wide use of strikes and very few walking stances. When practicing this pattern make sure you focus on hand and foot position.
The different types of moves required for this pattern are listed below.


  • Attention stance (just before and after bowing)
  • Ready stance
  • Walking stance
  • Front stance
  • Back stance


  • Inward block (middle block)
  • Outward block
  • Outward knifehand block
  • High (rising) block


  • Front Kick
  • Side Kick
  • Spear-Finger
  • Inward Knifehand Strike
  • Reverse Punch
  • Backfist
  • Double Punch
  • Inward Knifehand Strike

Important Notes:

  • There are only two walking stances in this pattern (Moves 15, 16), all other stances are back stance or front stance.


  •  Premove 1: Attention (cha ryuht- Korean)
  •  Premove 2: Bow (kyung nae – Korean)
  •  Premove 3: Ready stance (choon bi- Korean)
  •  1: Turn 90′ to your left. Step forward with your left foot into a back stance– left foot in front. Left hand outward knifehand block.
  •  2: Step forward with your right foot into a front stance. While you step do a right hand spear finger.
  • 3: With your right foot (left foot only pivots) turn 180′ to your right into a back stance– right foot forward. Right hand outward knifehand block.
  • 4: Step forward with your left foot into a front stance. While you step do a left hand spear finger.
  • 5: Bring your left foot back to your right foot, turn 90′ to the left. Step out with your left foot into front stance– left foot forward. At the same time do a left hand high block and a right hand inward knifehand strike.
  • 6: Front kick with your right foot place it down in front into a front stance. Do a reverse punch with your left hand.
  • 7: Do a head level side kick with your left foot. Place your left foot down in front.
  • 8: Do a head level side kick with your right foot. Place your right foot down in front. As you place your foot down in front perform a outward knifehand block (fists open).
  • 9: Pivoting on your right foot (left foot moves, right foot just pivots) turn 270′ into a back stance. As you finish your turn perform an left hand outward middle block (fists closed.)
  • 10: Perform a front kick with the right foot, after the kick return the right foot to the starting position (into a back stance, left foot forward). As you place your foot down, perform an right hand inward block.
  • 11: Pivoting in place (not stepping with either foot) turn 180′ into a back stance (right foot forward). As you finish your turn perform an right hand outward middle block (fists closed.)
  • 12: Perform a front kick with the left foot, after the kick return the left foot to the starting position (into a back stance, right foot forward). As you place your foot down, perform an left hand inward block.
    • Note: In steps 9-12 there are no steps forward or backward. The upper body and feet may still make small movement to perform proper kicks, i.e. shifting from a back stance to a walking to perform a proper front kick and changing foot positions during the change of back stances. These moves should be apart of  the chamber and therefore executed quickly. 
  • 13: Pivoting 90′ to the left, step out with your left foot into a front stance. At the same time do a left hand high block and a right hand inward knifehand strike.
  • 14: With your right foot front kick. Set it down in front into a front stance. While you step do a back fist with your right hand.
  • 15: Bring your left foot to your right foot. Turn 90′ to the left and step out with your left foot into a walking stance. As you step perform an inward block with your left hand followed by a middle punch with your right hand.
  • 16: Turn 180′ to the right and step out with your right foot into a walking stance. As you step perform an inward block with your right hand followed by a middle punch with your left hand.
  • 17: Turn 90′ to the left and step out with your left foot into a front stance. As you step perform an inward block with your left hand followed by a double middle punch (R, L).
  • 18: Step out with your right foot into a front stance. As you step perform an inward block with your right hand followed by a double middle punch (L, R). *Ki-Hap
  • Ending move 1: Return to ready stance (bah ro- Korean): Pivot on your right foot turning toward your left. Bring your left foot along side of your right foot and into a ready stance (At this point the instructor will provide any feedback).
  • Ending move 2: Relax (shiuh- Korean): From ready stance, bring your feet to attention, bow to the instructor, and relax, the pattern is over.


Chin/Knee TakeDown

*Attacker has you in a headlock position under his right arm.

  1. Take your left arm and reach over the attacker’s shoulder grabbing him by the chin.
  2. With your right hand, grab the back of the attacker’s right knee.
  3. Pull the head backwards, and the knee forward in a twisting motion. As the attacker is taken down drop him on your bent knee to the middle of his back.

Headlock/ Hammer Fist

*Attacker has you in a headlock position under his right arm.

Note: This move is very similar to the Chin/Knee Takedown.

  1. Take your left arm and reach over the attacker’s shoulder grabbing him by the chin.
  2. Pull the attacker’s head backwards.
  3. With your right hand, Hammer Fist to the attacker’s groin.

Shoulder Throw

*Attacker is standing behind you with his right arm around your neck.

  1. With your right hand grab the attacker’s right shoulder.
  2. With your left hand grab the attacker’s right elbow.
  3. Drop down into a Horse Stance and lean forward to tilt the attacker onto your back. (This technique can also be done from a deep Front Stance)
  4. Let them fall over your right shoulder as you continue to hold onto their right arm.

Weapon Defenses – Knife

Knife Defense #1

*Attacker swings a knife in his right hand from overhead.

Note: this is the same technique and Club Defense #2

  1. Step toward the attacker with your left foot. As you step do a high block with your left hand. (make sure the high block blocks the attackers wrist. DO NOT BLOCK THE KNIFE)
  2. As soon as you block the attackers wrist, use your right wrist to circle under the attacker arm (the bend in your elbow should be under the attackers arm). Continue to circle your arm up and grab your left wrist. (This should trap the attackers arm)
  3. Step forward with your right foot past the attacker. As you step twist your upper body down to take down the attacker.

Knife Defense #2 - Side Attack

*Attacker swings a Knife in his right hand from the side.

Note: this is the same technique and Club Defense #3.

  1. Step toward the attacker with your left foot. As you step do a outward hook block with your left hand. (make sure the outward block blocks the attackers wrist. DO NOT BLOCK THE KNIFE). As you step and block, perform an elbow strike to the attacker chin with your right elbow.
  2. As soon as you strike the attackers chin, use your right hand to grab the attacker shoulder. With your left foot circle it behind you 270′ to perform a hip throw. (Leave the right leg where it is, this will be what the attacker trips over). Note, these two moves should be performed quickly to allow the attackers momentum to cause him to trip.
  3. As you take the attacker down, the left hand should be holding the attackers wrist and the right arm should be holding the attackers shoulder. As the attacker trips, drop to your left knee. Using your grip on his wrist and shoulder, break the attackers arm over your knee.

Knife Defense #3

*Attacker thrusting the knife toward your stomach.

  1. Pivoting on your left foot step back 90′ with you right leg. Grab the top of the attacker’s right hand with your left hand, and the bottom with your right hand.
  2. Pull the attacker’s hand through (and past you)
  3. . Step back with your left leg, and redirect the flow of the attacker’s hand in a circular motion. Make sure to keep this motion small and close to your center of balance. This will take the attacker down.